"Wasting programmer time is the true inefficiency, not wasting machine time."
- Paul Graham
I am a programmer without formal education. I’ve been lucky to work with and learn from people more experienced than myself; I’ve also been lucky in the sense that I am a relatively quick learner.
Age 21 - Took EECs 183, the intro coding class at the University of Michigan | Managed the creation of some programmatic tools for investing–this was not me coding myself, but my forced use of terminal was a gateway drug | Wrapped a google sheet with a script to alert me when it was someone’s bday | Scraped a few sites, like FINRA
Age 22 - More scraping | Used genetic algos to optimize a trading strategy within a monte carlo simulation I made | Wrote scripts to monitor, process, and summarize 8-K’s & earnings calls for publicly traded companies | Contributed to and used some prompt benchmarking suites for A/B testing of content generation
Age 23 - Lots of API wrappers for a sales intelligence platform | Selenium test suite for the same | This site
I haven’t yet added a whole lot of content to the left column yet, but stay tuned for more.
Last Updated 2024.08.25